If you are not going to change the world, who else will?

The world is a big and complex place, and it can be easy to feel like we are just one person and that our actions don’t matter. However, the truth is that each of us has the power to make a difference. We can all choose to be part of the solution, or we can choose to be part of the problem.

You cannot change the consumer,
you can only change the product.

Instead of trying to change consumers, our focus should be on creating exceptional products. This allows us to influence the world, make a profound impact, and shape a future filled with purpose and significance through innovation and consumer loyalty.

Green Circular Economy

Businesses and investments need to make a profit, and that cannot be changed. However, we can focus on investing in businesses that create an additional impact on a green circular economy. 



To invest in up-and-coming businesses in southeast Asia. 


To build a network of companies based on circular economy business models. 


Nikolas Klein

International corporate law
LLM at University of Cambridge
ex. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
ex. Hengeler Müller


Johannes Klausch

International trademark
LLM at London School of Economics
Partner at Luther


Dschung Nguyen

Business Director
youarewelcome GmbH
Green Mango GmbH
